Donate to WCA

Become a Corporate Donor

Donating to Women In Corporate Aviation means supporting today’s professionals and welcoming tomorrow’s leaders.

We have an impressive and talented group, not only on our leadership team, but also within our membership and volunteer committees.

We are role models and pave the way for the next generation. We believe that by educating and fostering a strong network of diverse, passionate, and dedicated individuals in the industry through our mentoring program and initiatives, we encourage women and others who are underrepresented to elevate their careers and business opportunities in the field.

Your financial help makes all of this happen, and more. We can only do this through individual donation, dues, and the support of the industry.

Mission: WCA is the premiere non-profit 501© (3) association for women within corporate and business aviation. We are a group of aviation professionals, including flight department personnel, FBO managers, writers, students, training center professionals and many others who work together to promote opportunities for women in aviation.

Additional Donation Information

Membership dues in Women in Corporate Aviation are used to cover administrative expenses (when needed) and to sponsor funding for our WCA Career and WCA Leadership scholarships. Your donor funds will help us offset administrative costs, so we can grow the services we provide and expand our reach.

Donors may designate preferred use for their funds and sponsorship and we will try our best to meet this request. Please understand that funds will be used primarily where needed most. Our goals this year is to reestablish our minimum account balance to $20,000 and to fund the current and future offerings of WCA.

We hope to further our outreach efforts and continue to support our members by investing in both new website design and support, and additional software to help our scholarship team better process the many exciting scholarships WCA offers through our generous sponsors. The new software will make it easier for qualified applicants to apply for scholarships and for sponsors to review applications and participate in the process of choosing winners.

Scholarships (i.e. WCA Career, WCA Leadership or your company name)

Named Event (ie. Conference Meeting, Luncheon at BACE, Breakfast at EBACE etc.)

Website Administration (sponsor recognition)


General Administration (insurance, legal reporting, office supply)


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