Kim Kissh

Kim Kissh – Media Relations

As Media Relations, Kim Kissh uses social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to keep members and non-members informed on events, scholarships, and mentors! She’s a soon to be graduate from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Daytona Beach Campus. Her degree will be in Aeronautical Science with a minor in aviation safety. Kim is a private pilot with an instrument rating and is finishing up her multi-commercial license. Her dream is fly for a corporate company with aspirations to work in a safety department as well.

Kim’s volunteer experience doesn’t stop at WCA. She’s been volunteering since elementary school Girl Scouts and her high school rotary club. Now she spends time dedicated to Dreams Soar Inc. and as well WAI, Surfers for Autism, and the ERAU Alumni Association.

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